Certified Forest Practitioners
There are three levels of certification offered. Each level has a specific description of what activities they are permitted to do under the law. Below is a brief list of activities which they are permitted to conduct. A glossary is also provided to further describe these terms.
- May plan or design forest practices, including forest management plans and silvicultural plans .
- May represent the landowner as agent in the sale of commercial forest products .
- May execute written or oral contracts or agreements for the purchase of commercial forest products from woodland owners.
- May supervise commercial forest products harvesting operation.
May participate in the actual commercial forest product harvest operation.
Supervising Forest Products Harvester
- May execute written or oral contracts or agreements for the purchase of commercial forest products from woodland owners.
- May supervise and participate in a commercial forest product harvesting operation. May mark trees as a means of clearly designating which are to be cut and/or which are to be left uncut.
- May plan and design a harvest plan.
Important note: Supervising Forest Products Harvesters may not make recommendations, either written or oral, concerning silvicultural principals and techniques; and they may not represent the landowner as agent in the sale of commercial forest products.
Forest Products Harvester
- May participate in the actual commercial forest products harvest operations.
- May provide direct on-site supervision to two uncertified people participating in the actual commercial forest products harvest operation.
Important note: Forest Products Harvesters may not solicit the purchase of commercial forest products or execute contracts to purchase commercial forest products; may not make recommendations, either written or oral, concerning silvicultural principals and technique; may not represent the landowner as agent in the sale of commercial forest products; may not act in the buyers behalf in the supervision of a commercial forest products harvest operation; and may not mark timber for harvest.
Forest Management Plan
A broad-based master plan intended to guide management efforts for a tract of forest land over a 5 or 10 year period. This plan may deal not only with management of forest vegetation, but also with amenities such as trails, access roads, property boundaries, fish habitat, and aesthetic values.
Silvicultural Plan
A plan specifically designed to guide efforts towards influencing the growth and composition of forest vegetation. This is more limited in scope than a comprehensive forest management plan and deals strictly with the establishment, culture, and regeneration of forest vegetation to achieve specific goals or objectives.
Harvest Plan
A focused plan which deals strictly with the operational aspects of conducting the harvest of forest products. A Harvest Plan would address, for example, subjects such as: the design and creation of access routes; felling techniques; treatment of slash: erosion and sedimentation control; hours of work; and protection of wetlands or water courses
Commercial Forest Products
Primarily trees as logs or for firewood but may include various other product uses.
Get in Touch
CT Professional Timber Producers Association, Inc.
1133 Litchfield Road
Norfolk, CT 06058
860 948-0432
[email protected]
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