TIMPRO at Plant Science Day

Debbie and Mike Hinman recently represented Timpro at the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station's 113th Plant Science Day held August 2 on the Lockwood Farm in Hamden CT.

It was a beautiful clear and sunny day inviting visitors to stroll the grounds and study the test plots. In the main pavilion, state scientists gave talks about agriculture, environment, health, and food safety. There were displays with working demos across the grounds.  Timpro had a well-stocked booth explaining what we are about.

Recent wildfires are making people more aware of the need to manage forests and to reduce fuel buildup. Articles coming from USDA, USFS and State of CT DEEP about managed forests are helping to educate people about good silviculture.

One attendee approached the display with a negative view of logging.  But after talking with the Debbie and Mike, he gained a new appreciation for what our group does. Before he left, he thanked the Hinmans helping him understand what good silvicutural management is all about.

See photos below of test plot exhibits. All photos courtesy of Debbie and Mike Hinman.


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TIMPRO's new information Boards and materials made an excellent display at the 113th Plant Science Day

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