On behalf of the Departments of Agriculture and the Interior, the US Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management are soliciting comments on policies for defining and managing Mature and Old Growth Forests.
“Old-growth and mature forests are critical to ensuring resilience in our forests in the face of climate change, and they play a key role in storing carbon,” said Bureau of Land Management Director Tracy Stone-Manning. “We look forward to hearing from the public on how best to define and inventory them.”
USFS would like comments on:
- What criteria are needed for a universal definition framework that motivates mature and old-growth forest conservation and can be used for planning and adaptive management?
- What are the overarching old-growth and mature forest characteristics that belong in a definition framework?
- How can a definition reflect changes based on disturbance and variation in forest type/composition, climate, site productivity and geographic region?
- How can a definition be durable but also accommodate and reflect changes in climate and forest composition?
- What, if any, forest characteristics should a definition exclude?

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CT Professional Timber Producers Association, Inc.
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